My experience with HTML in the past has been all self taught stumblings. I built my first page back in 2000/2001 I think. I was newly married and heading off on a journey and I started dabbling with writing a page and using it as wine journal and holiday log. I seem to remember I toiled away at it for a while but found the process of writing in HTML to be tedious and for me quite difficult and slow. Funnily enough, not much has changed... I use HTML code snippets quite a bit in my day to day job role to adjust things here and there but it is really at a very basic
During the 26 lessons, which I thought were all quite useful, I was constantly interupted by all things holiday so the "sense of achievement I found at the end was more to do with finally having completed the task and finally being able to right this blog post than anything else. I don't think my page is particularly aestheticly pleasing or interesting, or that it fills any other purpose than to complete this task. I would have liked to spend some time to make a page which did have some other purpose but I simply could not spare/find the time.
I did learn quite a bit from having completed the 26 lessons. Possibly the main thing is that I like WYSIWYG editors much better than HTML. I think I must be a more visual person. I am happy to play around with the HTML in the background to make minor adjustments but I much prefer
moving things around visually than in code. I know all you professional web designers prefer to write in code (or at least the ones I have talked to) and that WYSIWYG is only for hacks like me, so call me lazy, but I prefer it that way.
What is the difference between blogging and HTML? Well blogging is writing a web log, HTML is the code that holds that page together. HTML is the bricks and the blog is the building. I much prefer writing a blog about HTML than writing a blog in HTML.
Incidentally, I was given a text on CSS for Christmas (edit.. I just did a google on the name of the text and found THE WHOLE BOOK is available online!!! It is really good so here is the link ) and I was hoping to integrate some CSS into my web page for the course but I doubt I will have the time for that. I will give it a try though and let you all know how it goes. One reason I was doing this course in the first place was to learn more about HTML and CSS and I guess I have already done that but there is soooo much further to go...
Hi mate
If I can help you with any of the CSS and HTML give me yell.
Cheers Chris. It's good to know there is help at hand!
Hi Rhys,
I know how you feel with completing the task, with having an appreciation just that you finished it due to the family and holidays. I am in the same boat as you and have had to complete the tutorial accorss victoria. You page background looks very cool!
Sitepoint have a lot of great books. They were giving away an entire CSS book not so long ago if you followed them on Twitter, sadly this has ended. I am pretty sure they will be offering similar things in the future knowing the way they operate. You can follow them here - http://twitter.com/sitepointdotcom
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